Invest In A Beautiful World
The Idea: OppenheimerFunds finds insights to investments in places often overlooked.
FCS Awards Best in Show Winner (24 Awards)- Gold Medals included: Digital Media, B2B, Display Rich Media, Mobile, Web Video and Integrated Media, 2024 FCS Portfolio Awards Hall of Fame nominee

"Invest in a Beautiful World" is built off the premise that rely on people and not algorithms in their investment strategies, and in turn, able to find opportunity in places you'd least expect.
We launched digitally, with lots of takeovers, high impact units and immersive microsite-ish experiences.
Targeted videos for our audience
The following talking-head videos were key to reaching their target audience: financial advisors. We tried to embed the spirit of opportunity and inspiration in each to elevate what these portfolio managers do from something boring to something unique and wonderful.

Our app supported the launch of the campaign by bringing our strategy to life. We let people discover the investment opportunities that were hiding in plain sight. Apple can be a great investment when they sell 7 million iPhones, but how about the company that just sold the 7 million processors to go in them? How about the screens? Or speakers? This app helped you discover those opportunities.
OppenheimerFunds Fund Manager App
For the Invest In A Beautiful World launch we created an app for our fund managers. After countless interviews, wish lists, and criticisms of how they work, we landed on an experience designed to make their lives easier.

This app was more than just a fund manager's black book of contacts and shortcuts. It organized their book of business anyway they wanted to get just the information they needed.

Fund managers were able to organize their clients by any number of factors, then assign specific custom strategies to each, that could then be tracked.

3rd party news articles and content were pulled in and could then be assigned or recommended to (based on their individual investment strategy), and then pushed out to clients to keep the client relationship fresh.

The coolest part of the app is the ability to take a client's strategy, history and performance and dynamically turn it into a templated walk through presentation or shareable PDF at the push of a button, cutting down on hours of presentation creation. This part of the app could then be skinned for their clients to use from themselves with their own branding.